Daddy feat. Duchess

Are Siberians hypoallergenic?

The short answer is yes, they can be! Around 90% of people with a cat allergy can comfortably tolerate having a Siberian around, making Siberians a great option for allergic cat-lovers. However, this is not a fool-proof guarantee.

Hypoallergenic does not mean "no allergens"

The word "hypoallergenic" simply means "less allergenic", not "non-allergenic". All cats produce a protein, Fel-Dh1, which is the most common cause of cat allergies in people. Fel-Dh1 is found in cats' saliva and is left on their fur when they wash themselves. Siberians produce significantly less Fel-Dh1 than other domestic cats -- as low as 200 micrograms compared to the usual 63,000 micrograms. This is thought to be because of the Siberian's wild origins.

How do I find out if I can tolerate a Siberian?

The majority of people with a cat allergy are able to be around a Siberian with no problems, but there are still some people who do get an allergic reaction to Siberians.

While there is no perfect way of knowing for sure without having a cat in your house for several weeks or months, your best option would be to visit a Siberian breeder, or friends who have a Siberian, and spend some time playing with the cats. Based on this and your own knowledge of your allergies, you can make a judgement about whether or not a Siberian may be right for you. We do provide fur samples for prospective Siberian owners, which can also help to find out your allergy levels.